Week 2 Replies Discussion Prompt 1
Reply to Nessrien Malak
Hello Nesrien,
I enjoyed reading your post, and indeed, it was informative. I agree that promoting well-informed diagnosis can improve patient outcomes since it lays a foundation for proper decision-making in the hospital setting. Moreover, I agree that true measures of quality should be patient-centered, hence the need to emphasize transparency and reliability of patient outcomes. Hospitals can reduce costs by re-evaluating the supply costs of significant products for hidden costs. For instance, the management of a hospital can decide to negotiate with the suppliers to reduce the price of surgical implants, which often amounts to tens of thousands of dollars, hence saving on costs (Jackson, n.d.).
Jackson, T. (n.d.). 4 Hospital Cost Reduction Ideas & Strategies. ClearPoint Strategy. Retrieved from: https://www.clearpointstrategy.com/hospital-cost-reduction-ideas-strategies/
Reply to Maria Rossanna Javier
Hey Maria,
Thanks for sharing your post with the class. Indeed, the patient’s stay can be reduced through less medical errors which is often at the hospital’s expense. Proper and timely diagnosis can also improve patient outcomes since it forms the basis for which clinical decisions are made. Cost saving, on the other hand, can be achieved through identification and rapid treatment of sepsis since it is often related to high patient mortality and increased rate of re-admissions at the hospital’s expense (Rivers, McIntyre, Morro & Rivers, 2005). This measure can also be effective in improving patient outcomes in turn.
Rivers, E. P., McIntyre, L., Morro, D. C., & Rivers, K. K. (2005). Early and innovative interventions for severe sepsis and septic shock: taking advantage of a window of opportunity. Cmaj, 173(9), 1054-1065.