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Weight Loss

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Weight Loss

Fun Facts About Weight Loss and Keeping the Weight Off to Look Sexy Again

Losing weight can be an uphill task.

And although our diet influences 80 % of our body composition, the other 20% can be attributed to other factors.

Some of these factors include our genes, the lifestyle we live, and the daily stress we encounter.

Read on to learn some fun facts about weight loss that can help you keep the weight off and look sexy again.

Fun Facts about weight loss and keeping the weight off to look sexy again

Kissing is also a form of exercise.

You might be past that hot kissing on the couch with your spouse.

However, you should not ignore kissing as a fun activity with your partner.

It is also a kind of exercise, and it can aid in losing weight.

According to Woman’s Day Sexologists, light kissing for an hour can burn off about 68 calories.

Kissing for a whole hour can seem like a whole lot of work.

Well. If you have always wanted an opportunity to work out with your husband, then here is your chance.

Sleep more

Research has shown that sleeping can aid in weight loss.

A study conducted by the University of Michigan showed that having an extra hour of sleep per night for a whole year to a person who eats 2500 calories per day can aid in weight loss.

This translates to 6% to decrease in calorie intake that you would have spent on mindless eating.

It’s all about genetics.

There are three body types: mesomorph, ectomorph, and endomorph.

Let’s break these down so you will know your body type.

Mesomorph- People in this category are natural athletes. They have bodies that have strong bones and muscles. Losing and gaining weight is easier for these people as well as acquiring muscle mass.

Ectomorph- people who have these body types are generally skinny.

Regardless of what they eat, they can’t gain weight. They have thin shoulders, flat chest, and fast metabolisms.

Endomorph- people in this category have soft bodies, and it is super easy for them to gain fat. Also, people with this body fat find it challenging to lose weight.

Stress can make you gain weight

The day to day activities of our lives can make you be stressed.

Stress can occur due to that student loan you owe, a partner who cheats on your kids that won’t obey you, finding money to pay your bills to a picky boss at work.

Stress takes up too much of our mental capacity, and eventually, it drains you your energy.

For most people, they console themselves with a plate of food each time something stresses them. And the result is that you end up gaining a few pounds.

If you don’t find proper ways to manage the stress, it can consume you and make you gain more weight.

Hang Your skinny outfit in

a visible place

Hanging those skinny jeans in a visible place can help you remain focused on your weight loss goals.

However, you need to be realistic.

Do not choose an outfit that is four times smaller.

Pick a dress or a pair of jeans that you know you can fit in several weeks after you have shed some few pounds.

After you achieve this goal, you can choose another smaller outfit to motivate you to reach the next target.

Eat a Healthy Pizza

If you are on a weight loss journey, you don’t have to shriek each time you hear the word pizza. You can also enjoy delicious pizza just like the other people.

However, you need to replace the meat topping with vegetables, which can save you up to 100 calories every day.

Also, you can order a pizza with a lighter portion of cheese or one with reduced-fat cheese.

Recognize your eating pause

Learn to notice your natural eating pause.

An eating pause occurs when you put your fork down several minutes.

When this happens, put down your fork and clear off your plate from the table.

Most people are not aware id this sign, but it means that you are full.

Drinking lots of water promotes weight loss

Water does not contain weight loss properties.

However, it contains zero calories.

That means that if you replace the usual drinks you have like juices, milk, and other soft drinks with water, you will reduce your daily calorie intake.

For some, drinking water can suppress hunger, which will lead to weight loss since you don’t eat a lot of food.

Is Losing More Than 2 Pounds a Week Healthy?

It is normal to want to shed off those pounds as quickly as possible and get that sexy body back.

However, you have probably heard that it is better if you lose weight gradually.

That is because most studies have proved that people who tend to lose weight slowly have better chances of keeping the weight off in the long term.

Also, losing weight slowly comes with fewer health risks.

According to health experts losing between 1-2 pounds per week are healthy and safe.

Losing more than 2 pounds per week is considered too fast, and it might end up posing health threats for your body, such as gallstones, muscle loss, a drop in metabolism, and nutritional deficiencies.

Some of the most common ways people try to lose weight rapidly include exercising a lot, following a harsh diet, and or a low-calorie diet where you eat less than 800 calories every day.

People prefer to use the low-calorie diet since it is much easier to lose weight this way than exercise.

Losing weight is only the tip of the iceberg.

Keeping it off for good is the real challenge. That is the reason experts suggest losing weight at a slow pace.

Studies have shown that people who lose weight slowly are more likely to keep it off in the long term.

Losing weight can have several effects on your body.

When you lose weight at a slow and steady pace, you are more likely to regain your sexy body and keep off the weight for a long time.

However, when you lose it quickly, there are high chances that you might regain weight after a year.

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