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Year 12 Second Semester Final Presentation

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Year 12 Second Semester Final Presentation

My name is… I am 17 years old and just recently finished high school. As a senior, my dream was to enrol in the best university so that I could practice a healthy career. My high school experience has developed my leadership skills changing my middle school mentality. I actively participated in my high school curriculum allowing me to have a multifaceted mantra. This mantra reflects upon five topics about my high school and middle school experience as advice to the underclassmen.

Time management

Healthy time management requires that you achieve a balance between your school and personal life. I used schedules to appropriate my daily time usage. I also used reminders on my phone to help me keep track of events on a busy day. Additionally, i marked dates on my calendar to help me remember about important school activities


I have successfully enjoyed my horse riding hobby throughout my period in school. It helps me think clearly about my life expectations. Furthermore, I have actively participated in organizations that deal with student leadership. Moreover, I have been part of several student council programs.

Study tips

I used these simple study tips to help me with my course work. I chose a place to study every day. I discovered my learning style and planned my time for breaks. I always asked for help and tried to motivate myself all the time. These tips helped me take care of myself and my studies.


As Joshua Loth Liebman says “Maturity is achieved when one accepts life to be full of tension. ” I have come to learn and understand the implied transience of existence. I appreciate thins now and do not always complain when every single thing does not go as I had planned.

Role model

I believe I have inspired a lot of people. Throughout school, I have made friends and grown a healthy social life. I believe we all should live the best life possible.

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