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Journal Article Analysis

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Journal Article Analysis

With the main objective of the research being to determine whether tango dancing was as effective as mindfulness meditation in the reduction of symptoms of anxiety, depression, and psychological stress,  as well as in promoting wellbeing, the article asserts that tango dancing helps reduce depression levels just like meditation groups do. Further, the article confirms that stress levels are only reduced significantly in tango groups only and thus attending tango classes was a significant determiner of the increased levels of mindfulness. Hence, the article argues that tango dance and mindfulness meditation could be appropriate treatment for depression and can thus be included in stress management programs.

To achieve the objective of the study, the authors relied on previous research that indicate that one third of Australians are reluctant to undergo psychiatric treatment while those with self-reported anxiety and depression are known to use complementary therapies more frequently than the mainstream treatment (Pinniger, et al. 378). Hence, it was important for the study to purpose on coming up with an alternative therapies to address such issues.

The researchers gathered their data from volunteer participants who were recruited through advertisements among people that had self-reported stress anxiety and depression (Pinniger, et al. 379). The participants took part in randomized controlled trials evaluating tango dance similar to mindfulness meditation. Out of the ninety seven participants that responded to the advert, seventy six of them commenced the program where the meditation and tango classes were each led by a qualified instructor for a one and half hour sessions.

The experiment was a success since the expected results were realized with sixty-six participants who completed the program having their depression levels significantly reduced in the tango, and meditation groups, relative to waiting-list controls (Pinniger, et al. 382). Stress levels were significantly reduced only in the tango group and thus taking part in tango classes was a significant predictor for the increased levels of mindfulness.

The implications of the research were that with the small sample size used for the study, it was key to interpret the findings with caution. Also, with a large population of the participants being of educated women, then the result could not be generalized in the general population (Pinniger, et al. 383). Further, the study was also limited by the fact that clinical diagnoses of depression or medications were not collected and thus making the study rely on self-evaluations that may be wrong. I consider the study worth since with most people that had issues with stress not opting for the traditional therapies, conducting a research to come up with alternative therapies for depression and other stress issues would go a long way in providing a remedy for those people that do  not prefer traditional medications for stress.

In conclusion, the conduction of the study using people that had volunteered ensured that few participants withdrew along the study. Besides, ensuring that qualified instructors were used for the tango dance gave the study credibility that helped retain most participants and thus a higher response rate.



Works Cited

Pinniger, R., et al. “Argentine tango dance compared to mindfulness meditation and a waiting-list control: A randomized trial for treating depression.” Complementary Therapies in Medicine, vol. 20, no. 6, 2012, pp. 377-384, doi:10.1016/j.ctim.2012.07.003.



Canvas Discussion C # 1 C CDC -1 Discussion

Topic # 1:

  • Please write your topic in a complete sentence your topic.

The Effects of Global Warming

  • Please tell me why you like that topic

The issue of Global warming is a global concern and thus a research on it could offer insight on how to deal with global warming.

  • Please tell me the kind of research you are thinking of doing with this topic.

A qualitative research would be appropriate for a research on the effects of global warming.

Topic # 2

  • Please write your topic in a complete sentence your topic.

The Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

  • Please tell me why you like that topic

With artificial intelligence taking up most operations across the world, it is helpful to study the topic for further understanding and its promotion.

  • Please tell me the kind of research you are thinking of doing with this topic.

A quantitative research would be appropriate for the topic since data collection regarding the adoption of artificial intelligence would help know its extent of use.



Canvas Discussion C # 2

  1. Please post your APPROVED Topic first in a complete sentence
  • The Effects of Global Warming
  1. Please post your complete research question second in a complete sentence. It cannot have a Yes or No answer. Remember to use Question words to start your research question: Examples: Who, What, Where, When, Why or How.
  • How has Global warming affected the global food supply?
  • What is the United Nations doing to combat climate change?
  1. In two full sentences, please post why you care about this topic/issue.
  • With global warming arising as a global concern in the past decade, it is important to investigate the reasons why it has occurred, the ways of reducing global warming as well as how global warming has affected global food supply. Further, researching on the issue would offer insights on how to tackle the issue and thus contribute to the global efforts of countering global warming.
  1. Please post at least two points you want to make/write about your topic/question. Two -sentence minimum.
  • The extent to which global warming has affected the global food supply
  • Efforts being done by the United Nations to combat climate change
  1. Is your topic debatable? It must be a YES and in what way is it debatable. Keep in mind it must be debatable. Two sentences minimum.
  • My topic is debatable since there have been mixed reactions on how climate change has affected the world climate. Further, with global warming having changed the world climate, then debate arises on the extent to which the change has affected global food supply as well as what the United Nations is doing to combat it.
  1. Is your topic Plausible/Valid? It must be a yes and do you feel you will have valid sources that you can truly use for research and information? Peer Reviewed Research Journals -Academic sources? Please explain. Three sentences minimum.
  • The topic on the effects of global warming is plausible since over the years there have been concerns on how the world climate has been affected by global warming. Further, with the change in seasons, food production across the world has significantly been affected and thus affecting global food supply and prices (Parry, Rosenzweig, & Livermore, 2005). Finally, with global warming having such effects, there is need to investigate the measures that have been put in place by the United Nations to counter it.
  1. Is your topic consequential? It must be a YES and what would be the effects of your research question? Is the outcome significant and to what degree? Please explain. Two sentences minimum.
  • The topic is consequential since upon completion of the study, I will be equipped with more knowledge on the extent to which global warming has affected the global food supply. Besides, the topic will give insights on what has been and done or being done by the UN to counter the effects.
  1. What is the overall theme/idea or concept of your research? Please explain. Two sentences minimum.
  • The theme of the research is the effects of global warming in terms of how global warming has affected the global food supply and prices. Also, the research will capture what is being done by the UN to counter the effects of global warming especially in terms of ensuring that global food supply is not affected by global warming.
  1. What is the place or location of your research question?  Please explain. Two sentences minimum.
  • The research question will rely on empirical evidence available on the effects of global warming in terms of global food supply. Hence, the research questions will be answered by assessing available literature on how global warming has affected global food supply as well as what has been done by the UN to counter the effects.
  1. What is the time frame or (period) or (age group /gender etc.) of your research topic? Please explain. Two sentences minimum.
  • The research will be carried out within a month. This period will include collection of resources to conduct the research as well as the final compilation of the research paper on my topic.

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