Organic Restaurant pricing strategies
The main idea behind opening the restaurant was to come up with an eatery that would provide food and the same time change the lives of its customers which by itself was a great pricing strategy. The cost of the product is not the primary concern but value addition was, how is the food the customer consuming essential to him or her? Is the food beneficial to the health of the customer? which benefits will the food bring to them? This was the queries answered before placing the pricing tags on each food on the menu. The pricing will be slightly higher than the fast-moving foods but the vast benefits on the foods offered in the menu and the quality of the organic dishes is insane and it is not only looking forward to maintaining the current pricing but also include more discount days to increase the customers for it is in the verge of expansion after the next building is done.
After expansion and reaching our targeted customer base, that is the working class, the sportsmen and ladies, and the whole Buffalo community (major mostly in take-a-ways and online deliveries) our pricing will slightly go up since we would have tested our prices and we are looking forward not to change the value we are adding. Since most of the products are from our farms and the rest from the local farmers, we are now looking at the possibility of importing more products from the outside world and the prices might be different due to levies and import fees. Our employees may double or triple and that wage bill ought to be taken care of.
The Convid-19 pandemic has completely changed the way we live and moving forward most companies might adapt or are looking forward to letting employees work from home. Zaidaan, 2020 on her journal says Twitter has announced that its employees will work from home. And since most companies might adopt this, we are focusing on strengthening our website and increasing the number of home-home delivery personnel, we might outsource private delivery agents when overwhelmed by customers. Since there is a misconception of organic food not being ‘cool’ among the young generation adopting the Goodyear roll is a fantastic idea and extending our business adjacent to the mall might augur well with our targeted customers. After the pandemic is contained we will be visiting the mall as usual in large numbers and yes, a huge number of people are likely to stop over and have a bit.
Zaidaan, A. (2020). Work from Home Policy Adopted by Ministry of Finance of Indonesia through Collaborating Virtual Team, Dynamic, and Agile Method for Battling COVID19 Crisis and Recovery (Kebijakan Work from Home Diadopsi oleh Kementerian Keuangan Indonesia melalui Kolaborasi Tim Virtual, Metode Dinamis, dan Agile untuk Memerangi dan Pemulihan Ekonomi Indonesia dari Pandemik COVID19). SSRN Electronic Journal. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3589472