Challenges in Managing Vertical Integration Vertical integration is a strategy that requires a lot of thought and effective management for its success. That is the reason why it provides some…
CENTRAL BANKS AND THE GLOBAL ECONOMY Introduction Central banks are autonomous entities with the national authority to formulate monetary policies and regulations, regulate the performance of banks, and offer essential…
FEDERALISM, SEPARATION OF POWERS, AND POLITICS FEDERALISM Federalism is a mode of governance where powers are distributed among states. Federalism is a combination of regional government with the general government.…
Cerebral Ischemic Brain Damage Introduction Brain ischemia is the condition that occurs when there is no sufficient supply of the blood in the brain tissues to meet the metabolic…
Effects of Covid-19 on Finance and Economy Introduction Covid-19, a pandemic that was previously referred to as a significant Chinese epidemic, has now spread at an incredible pace to all…
Analysis of Legal Scholars McCleskey v. Kemp talks about the data from the Supreme Court that was examined on the race of victim effect. Different scholars conducted the analysis. The…
East African Colonial Witchcraft and Healing and its Effect on Community and Economy Witchcraft is the act of employing magical skills and abilities. This act varies culturally and societally, and…
Economic Growth and Human Development in Developing Economy Eradicating poverty has remained a major challenge in the world. According to UNDP (2016), more than 700 million people in the world…
Assessing Alternatives in a Health Promotion Project Developing a community health promotion project requires research, design, and presentation of viable and prioritized intervention alternatives. When establishing such a program,…
American Policy on Agriculture The importance of Agriculture cannot be underrated in any given country. In this case, the government intervenes in Agriculture by placing policies or farm bills that…