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Evidence-Based Practise within the Framework of Translational Research

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Evidence-Based Practise within the Framework of Translational Research

Translational research refers to a scientific inquiry that seeks to address a problem facing medical and health practises and apply the findings in the development of new medical procedures, therapies, and diagnostic equipment, among other devices (Weiss et al., 2018). Translational research seeks to implement a bench to bedside technique where laboratory experiments are expanded to perform clinical trials and the findings used to harness the production of new drugs, treatment options, or devices (Mulnard, 2011). The definition of Evidence-Based Practise (EBP) with the translational framework is the conscientious use of the current best evidence in clinical practise that can be used to prescribe care among individual patients (Weiss et al., 2018). The goal of EBP is to critique and synthesize the current research and non-research evidence sources to come up with the best clinical practise protocol that will incorporate logistical considerations for application in the local framework.

Translational research’s focus is to test the guidelines and policies proposed in the EBP to ensure that the best practise protocols are effective in clinical-practise. Specifically, translational research employs methodologies that would compare the new EBP protocols with those that are in use (Weiss et al., 2018). This framework supports the adoption of new best practise protocols that ultimately influence clinical practice and decision making (Mulnard, 2011). Generally, translational research recognizes that the new EBPs can only be of use if they are implemented appropriately, completely, and sustainably.

The selected healthcare issue that I am interested in researching about is hospital-acquired infections. Within the framework of translational research, in doing this project, I will be required to study and synthesize the current research on the topic to come up with the best clinical practise protocol that would ensure infection control in the healthcare organizations.




Mulnard, R. (2011). Translational research: Connecting evidence to clinical practice. Japan Journal of Nursing Science8(1), 1-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1742-7924.2011.00184.x

Weiss, M., Bobay, K., Johantgen, M., & Shirey, M. (2018). Aligning Evidence-Based Practice with Translational Research. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration48(9), 425-431. doi: 10.1097/nna.0000000000000644



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