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United states have put various restrictions and policies that either positively or negatively affect trade with other international countries and states. These policies affect the global logistics and transportation strategies that have been set to ensure that business is carried out effectively and with minimum effects. As a government representative, it is good to understand the various trade policies and their impact on international trade. With this in mind, it is easy to know which activities need to be taken in case a situation arises.
The united states government policy on the general agreement on tariffs and trade that was implemented in 1947. The main objective of the system is to reduce the barriers, mainly tariffs on the US trade with other countries. Therefore, it has become easy to export and import goods to and from other . When the duties are in place, this affects the trade and less of it with other countries. There will be an effect on the global logistics and transportation strategies that various businesses, organizations, and companies have put in place for international trade. The policy ensures that less cost on tariffs is incurred while carrying out international trade.
Secondly, there are the antidumping and countervailing duty laws that were formed in the tariff act 1930. These policies protect the US from receiving under quality goods from international trade at a low cost. The policy is to protect the citizens from being exploited as their locally produced products will have no market, and thus, they might not sell. Countervailing occurs when an international country offers incentives to manufacturers in the US to make and sell their goods without government knowledge. Those found guilty are subjected to hefty fines and are payable to the government. The policy will thus affect how the products are transported in and out of the country and the instructions that are to be followed during the inspection.
The generalized system of preferences in which the country US has to use international trade to grow its economy. The country is supposed to carry out foreign trade with the goal and motive that benefits its economy. Therefore, if any international businesses threaten the country’s economy, the government has the right to do away with it and cancel any agreement reached before. The policy affects the transport and logistics strategies that have been set to help in international trade. As a government official, it is advised that one should know the terms that need to be set while carrying international trade, and with this, it is easy to tell the effects on the economy.
A lot of policies are put into place by the united states government that affects the transportation and logistics strategies that are put in place to facilitate international trade. They all play a role, either positive or negative, but all are after protecting the traders, citizens, and the countries economy. It would not be termed as a trade if there were no terms put in place. The policies need to be adhered to by any country planning to do business with the US, and in case they go against it, there are hefty fines imposed. Transport in and out of the country needs to be regulated, and any trade goods allowed should be inspected.