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Hamlet’s madness impacts the major ideas in order to reveal a certain theme in the play

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Hamlet, by Shakespeare, represents many ideas such as revenge, betray, deception, friendship, and many other occurrences and ideas. One of the major themes in Hamlet Is the theme of madness. Shakespeare uses this theme to convey many ideas to the audience, such as questioning a life after death and vengeance of a wronged father. All his ideas a valid and well-structured to depict the intended message to the audience. Therefore, this essay will show Hamlet’s madness impacts the major ideas in order to reveal a certain theme in the play.

Central ideas


In the play, various themes are comprised of the ultimate holds and storyline that influences the plot of the play. For instance, conflict is clearly depicted in every scene and then reinforced with the idea of revenge. The idea of revenge is first depicted in the play when the author Shakespeare creates a conflict between Claudius and Hamlet, and then a series of treachery, betrayals, and deception follows. Revengeful ideas in the play lead to the creation of the theme of revenge (Bloom and Shakespeare). This theme is further strengthened with motifs of corruption and power, leading to the kind of vengeance many actors in the play want to seek.

Shakespeare uses a dialogue between Hamlet and the ghost that haunts the castle and the revenge for Hamlet, which is considered to be foul and unnatural murder. This dialogue between Hamlet and the ghost and the revengeful act of Hamlet introduces the theme of revenge while at the same time indicating the revenge plot between Claudius and Hamlet. Much is indicated in Hamlet’s conversation with the ghost, which clearly shows Hamlet’s desire for revenge. Instead of Hamlet using the straight forward method to accuse his uncle, Claudius of murder, Hamlet continues to ponder his schemeful plans or actions and what he perceived to more effective (Bloom and Shakespeare). Hamlet decides to expose this uncle through a play. Hamlet believed that after the play, the truth about his dad’s death would come into light when everybody is present, and his uncle’s reaction will definitely confirm that he was the murderer. The main agenda of Hamlet in the play is to inflict vengeance upon his father’s murder.

Trace and development of Hamlet’s madness and perception

Hamlet, from the start to the end of the play, displays various characteristics of madness. In the beginning, a ghost visits. Seeing the ghost is a clear indication that Hamlet is mad. In addition, he becomes melancholic about death and begins to ask questions many about life. Hamlet is determined to get revenge but, at the same become worried about whether the ghost is a devil that will eventually betray his soul rather than the real ghost of the dead king (Bloom and Shakespeare). Hamlet further becomes confused about what actions he has to take after seen the ghost; hence he ended up showing more chrematistics of a mad person.

Hamlet had a good chance to revenge for his father the time when his uncle Claudius was praying. Hamlet thought if he killed Claudius while praying, his soul would go directly to heaven. He decided that he will kill Claudius when his soul does not go to heaven. The longer Hamlet waited to seek revenge, the more he descended into melancholy and madness. A good example of Hamlet’s melancholy is found in Scene 1 Act 3 in his statement “To be, or not to be,” which indicates his mental crisis in determining the true meaning between life and death (Bloom and Shakespeare). Hamlet’s melancholy and madness drives him to the point of even having the thoughts of committing suicide.

Whether Hamlet’s is mad or mad in craft

There are many controversies of whether Hamlet’s madness id genuine or forced. Having such ideas in mind, one can approach answer this using different approaches of which they can only become valid is they are well structured with clear evidence.

Is a craft plan

At the beginning of the play tells Horatio cause he wants to seek revenge; he should, therefore, act like a mad person in order to avoid suspicion. Later on, Hamlet tells his mother that he is not mad but only pretending. In addition, when we compare the language used by mad Hamlet to the unquestionably Ophelia, Hamlet’s jokes, in many cases, contained massages with hidden wisdom (Bloom and Shakespeare). Therefore, we can note that Hamlet’s madness is a way of responding truthfully to events that are frightening.

The madness is real

As the play unfolds new events, Hamlet’s behavior becomes more and more questionable. We can suggest that his madness develops as a result of pressure for his quest to avenge for his father. This clearly depicted in his statement, “O cursed spite,/ That ever I was born to set it right!” (Bloom and Shakespeare). This kind of anxiety in humans manifests itself through violent as well as ill actions. Likewise, there is more evidence to prove that Hamlet was actually mad. Like many of his views in the play seemed confused and turbulent. In his despondent lines such as “How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable/ Seem to me all the uses of this world” (Bloom and Shakespeare), This implies that he has melancholic and during that era, such conditions indicated that a person is approaching madness. Therefore we can also assume that Hamlet’s madness isn’t meant for tricking other or hiding suspicion because he shows deep imbalance his spirit which is displayed in his actions and dialogue

Impacts of hamlet madness

Hamlet’s actions to seek revenge and his madness resulted in his death. His madness and his desire to revenge for his dead father led to not only his death but also death other characters such as Gertrude and his mother (Bloom and Shakespeare). In addition, his madness further led to the destruction of the entire family.

How the impact of madness shapes and refines central ideas

Madness in the play is used to reveal the truth about the characters in the play and to live in this world of appearance. Hamlet clearly explains the dilemma of living, and Marcellus’ remarks reveals how people in play were corrupt. Also, the theme of madness is used to show the idea of betraying, guiltiness, corruption, and death (Bloom and Shakespeare). For instance, Claudius is a corrupt king, and he feels the guilt of not only killing the king but his own brother. The idea of betray is also shown in this context since Claudius betrayed his family by killing his brother.

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