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Technology products Recommendations

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This product comes in as a combination of an auto transfer switch for AC, a charger for the battery plus the inverter.

It’s fitted with a liner switch that aids in adjusting the charging current from 0%-100%.

This switch is essential when using a charger with a small battery bank.


This product has an alternating current battery, meaning that after charging of the battery, the energy is transferred to the load by the inverter.

If you have a generator, you can use the inverter to start it up, especially in cases where the voltage is low.

When the charge of the inverter is small, a signal turns the generator on and off after charging. T

his notion will only work with the generators that have that feature.

Benefits of this product

  • It’s possible to customize the inverter using a DIP switch, and this means that despite the input of the alternating current, the inverter inverts directly from the battery.
  • Sungold can be used to start up the generator.
  • This product will offer protection against overload, over-temperature, low voltage, short circuit, and low alarm of the battery.
  • There is a user manual available to guide you.

Customer review for 2020

Customer A: The customer said that this product is highly recommendable. She runs all household appliances using one of 6000W, and it performs very well. She also did recommend the support staff as they are very beneficial.

  1. Renogy 700W power inverter

This product is optimal for a voltage system of 12 VDC.

There is a minimal distortion to the harmony because it’s fitted with an excellent waveform.

It comes with proper protection for the inverter, together with the components.

This product protects against overload, over-temperature, short circuit, under and over voltage, as it’s fitted with a unique LED indicator.

The fans move at high speed, and this helps to maintain the inverter at a low temperature.

It has a conversion efficiency of 90%, and it’s also compatible with GEL and AGM.

Benefits of this product

  • It’s easily portable with a weight of 5.6lbs, and it can be in use for camping and outside parties.
  • The energy produced is reliable, smoother, and cleaner for your environment while operating lights, fans, and other home appliances.
  • There is also protection against circuit interruptions as it comes with cables and wired remote that is inbuilt.

Customer review for 2020

Customer A: The product is of great value, and has secure connectivity. The customers say that she recommends this product plus other Renogy products to include the solar panel.

Customer B: The customer says that the inverter did not have additional parking for protection causing damage during shipment. He was, however, grateful that it was working well.

Customer C: The customer (electrical engineer) said that the mainboard was out of its case as soon as it was open. The experience was not good for him.

Customer D: The customer is satisfied with the product and said it’s in use for backup in his house. The next thing for him is to upgrade the batteries.

  1. Y & H grid inverter 1000w

This product comes in with a range of MPPT to ensure there is sound output.

It’s recommended not to connect to the inverter using solar ports.

Also, there is a solar panel 200w to 1000watts with a voltage of 18-21, and other inputs of energies are discouraged.

Tighten the terminals connecting the DC anytime the inverter moves from one place to another.

A short circuit should never be in use because of the loose connection.

It comes as a unit to alter DC to AC that is useful in powering home appliances and other equipment in the office.

This inverter should is not for use as an off-grid but there is a need for connection with the grid energy.

The load ports should not be in use when connecting to the product.

The inverter’s design is for use by a solar panel 18V.

The output power may be low in some cases where the battery has low volts.

Benefits of this product

  • This inverter offers protection against overload and short circuit.
  • It’s advisable to use a battery with 24V to increase the output power.
  • It comes as a unit with all the necessary cables and fuses.

Customer review for 2020

Customer A: The customer gave it five stars to show satisfaction.

Customer B: He reports that it was not a good value for his money because it lasted for one year and broke.

Customer C: The customer fully satisfied with the product.

Customer D; The customer says that it broke after 11 months and was not happy with it.

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