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The US Department of State

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The US Department of State

The US secretary of State is Mike Pompeo. The US Department of State is responsible for carrying out international relations and US foreign policy being a federal executive department. Its main functions include negotiating agreements and treaties with other nations and giving advice to the president. Others are administering diplomatic missions, being the one that represents the US at the United Nations, and promoting US political and economic interests in the region on issues ranging from energy supplies, war, and terrorism.

Robert C. O’Brien is the US national security advisor. He has different roles or rather duties, which include planning the president’s travel to other countries, drafting foreign policy and national security speeches, responding to presidential requests for information, and preparing the president for NSC meetings. He also briefs the president on what is currently happening, prepares meetings with congressional leaders, chairs meetings of the council’s principals committee, and offers a range of options to the president on national security issues.

The US Senate majority leader is Mitch McConnell. He serves as a spokesman for his parties’ position on the issues at hand, schedules business on the floor by calling bills from the calendar. He works together with the minority leaders to fashion unanimous consent agreements. The majority leader also advises members of his party about the daily legislative program and coordinates party strategy to try to keep their parties united on roll-call votes.

John Roberts is the chief justice of the US Supreme Court. The responsibilities of the chief justice are administering the oath of office to the president and vice president, the authority to assign the writing of opinions in cases where he is a member of the majority, presiding over the Supreme Court in it’s public and private sessions and also acting as a presiding officer at the Judicial Conference of the US.


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