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The significance of early childhood in the UK: a review of UK childhood education

The study paradigm

The study paradigm on the significance of early childhood education in the UK develops an insight into the concepts and legitimate contributions to the subject matter. As such, the paradigm in the UK early childhood provides a deep insight into the child’s normal early development based on their nature and needs (Woodhead, 2019). other paradigms emphasize on the need for plurality into the childhood education in respect to sociocultural processes in England’s education system. So, the functionalist paradigm is utilized to develop social stability in UK’s early childhood education as part of its corporate social role (Hartai et al., 2014). The UK has experienced shifts in policy paradigm shifts, thus developing political barriers while developing strategies governing the education system. Furthermore, path dependence has reinforced ethical and dominant paradigms, thus resulting in numerous debates on its significance (Woodhead, 2019).

Research questions

How do classroom policies affect learners’ behaviors during the early years?

What is the significance of disruptive innovation in the UK early childhood education?

How are the UK’s education policies effective in early childhood years?

Methodological approach

The study would utilize qualitative methods to exemplify the significance of early childhood education in the UK. For instance, case studies to collect information on the impact of early years of learning to learners in the UK (Information Resources Management Association, 2014). Hence, the research proposal relies on a multiple set of evidence exemplifying the significance of early years of learning in England. Consequently, the qualitative research method for the study focuses on obtaining information from open-minded data having an insight into England’s early learning systems. Also, the research depends on the results of in-depth interviews and questionnaires subjected to individuals to respond. As a result, the research proposal would articulate concerns raised by individuals on the effectiveness of early childhood education in the UK’s context (Information Resources Management Association, 2014). Therefore, the results from qualitative methodology would draw inferences from another set of an argument made by different scholars.

Besides, the research proposal utilizes quantitative methods to determine the significance of early education. In this case, a descriptive approach would be utilized rather than the experimental variables. Hence, the proposal would focus on detailed and unchanging numerical data to illustrate the effectiveness of early childhood learning (Hartai et al., 2014). As such, all study aspects would be thoroughly investigated to ensure the proposal addresses learning effectiveness in England. Furthermore, secondary sources of information would be utilized to exemplify the effectiveness of learning in the early years. However, in other cases, mixed methods analysis would be developed to collect, analyze, and integrate data (Information Resources Management Association, 2014). Hence, more than one method of data collection, such as experiments, surveys, focus groups, and interviews, would be utilized.

Literature review

Benefits of early childhood education

Vandenbroeck and colleagues articulate the benefits of early childhood education in UK’s context. The authors exemplify the economic benefits of early childhood education at the individual and societal levels (Vandenbroeck, Lenaerts & Beblavý, 2018). For instance, the authors outline that early learning results inequality in educational opportunities with both genders given equal chances. Their research claims that delay in offering learning results to few opportunities being offered to girls later in their lives.  The research by the authors develops an insight into the research question on the effectiveness of UK education policies in early learning years. Moreover, the authors show that different influences in education impact their significance of early childhood education in the UK. The authors’ research outlines that access to quality education signifies the effectiveness of government policies in achieving success in early learning.

Research on early childhood education in the UK

Melhuish outlines that almost every developed nation has developed different forms of early childhood education (Melhuish, 2013). Statistics drawn from different countries show that early learning has a great significance in promoting the education levels of individuals in contemporary society. As such, the author uses a study by the millennium cohort to show the effectiveness of early childhood education in the UK. The study by the researcher shows how the Effective Provision of Preschool Education (EPPE) has proved effective in enhancing the lives of young ones in modern society. So, Melhuish proves that the learning environment of young learners is a vital consideration for continuous personal growth and development. Conclusively, the researcher shows that pre-schooling at a tender age helps develop a child’s intellectual capability, thus capable of making critical choices at a tender age. The author stipulates that disruptive innovation has increased the necessity for early childhood education (Melhuish, 2013). As a result, the author helps answer the research question of how disruptive innovation has impacted early childhood education in the UK.

UK’s early childhood education and care policy

Eva Lloyd exemplifies the significance of care policies adopted by England’s authorities in their quest to positively impact early childhood education. The author stipulates that care policies have improved the effectiveness of early learning in the UK by diversifying the learners’ intellectual capabilities (Lloyd, 2015).  The research shows that early childhood education has significantly improved due to policies enacted by the government in an attempt to raise learning standards in the UK. The author outlines that the English education system is different from other countries, thus embarked on improving early childhood education to achieve significant developments (Lloyd, 2015). As such, the care policies have helped provide childcare to working parents, thus playing a collective role in the education system.

Overview of the contextual literature

Terms definition

The contextual literature by the above research questions helps find books and articles exemplifying the significance of early childhood education in the UK’s context. While carrying out the research, it is vital to understand some of the keywords, such as the philosophical design of the literature review, which provides the different methodologies to be used while carrying out the research. In this case, the philosophy of design depicts the assumptions and implications of this study towards its significance to early childhood education in the UK’s context (Vandenbroeck, Lenaerts & Beblavý, 2018). Hence, the contextual literature would help provide solutions to the research questions, thus developing the best course of action. Some of the important terms for the research proposal includes:

Early childhood education- a branch of education relating to teaching children both formally and informally from the time of birth to around eight years.

Policies- a deliberate system of principles to guide educational decisions based on set rational outcomes.

Innovation- the process of developing new ideas and methods in education to fulfill set goals.

Why the topic matters

The topic matters since it aims at providing a holistic development of children’s cognitive and emotional awareness. The development is important in developing a broad and strong foundation in lifelong learning. So, the topic is vital since it elaborates on addressing the learner’s wellbeing at a tender age, thus realizing individual goals early enough. Also, the topic is crucial in removing common misconceptions of early learning as a venture to only learn basic skills in a child’s life (Vandenbroeck, Lenaerts & Beblavý, 2018). So, the research aims at developing a collective approach to addressing learners’ needs at a tender age as they embrace themselves for long-life learning. So, the topic lays a strong ground to strengthen students for the different upcoming phases of learning. As such, the topic would serve to address the need for countries to invest in high-quality education since it lays the ground for future learning.

Moreover, the topic serves to assure that early childhood education is greater than just a mere preparation for primary school. The children are provided with a holistic developmental approach aimed at meeting the social and physical needs as they psychologically grow and develop. As such, education is significant in nurturing future citizens through the best educational model (Neuman, Josephson & Chua, 2015). Furthermore, the topic shows how early education would be used by learners to develop some common skills such as communication. Hence, the learning opportunity provides a chance for the learners to interact with their peers, thus developing interest in each other. The topic provides a chance for children to develop emotional resilience to address their development in terms of literacy practices.

Useful ideas, evidence, and debate

While carrying out the research, it would be noble to understand trending ideas in early childhood education. For instance, trending ideas are vital in comprehending changes in the learning curriculum. So, children would be introduced to science education at the right time and address the requirements for developing an integrated curriculum (Hartai et al., 2014). Therefore, the learning portfolio would be adjusted to current trends in contemporary society, thus help to achieve set literacy levels. Therefore, the research would help align how children should prepare for future learning experiences using the best strategic approach. Moreover, it vital to exemplify contentious debates on whether early education is important in a child’s development. Some educational stakeholders in the UK argue that early learning is not important since it is rigid and should not follow a proven curriculum (Vandenbroeck, Lenaerts & Beblavý, 2018). As such, the research serves to illustrate that early childhood education is vital for personal growth with children developing distinct cognitive capabilities.

In the UK, evidence shows that childcare education for learners between the age of 1-8 is critical in developing their cognitive capabilities. Besides, data showed by the Study of Early Education and Development (SEED) shows that starting schooling at a tender age of two years poses great significance in personal development towards life-long learning. In the UK, the use of interdisciplinary learning programs serves the purpose of providing competent early learning education, thus nurturing skills (Hartai et al., 2014). As such, the UK government has been at the forefront of developing policies to provide high-quality learning opportunities in the country. Thus, the evidence would be crucial in exemplifying its significance to contemporary society. Hence, the research would help outline that Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) is the future for learning in the UK relative to current trends in education (Neuman, Josephson & Chua, 2015).

Project scene

The research project scene seeks insight into the strategies adopted by teachers in early childhood education. As such, the project would develop an in-depth analysis of real-world topics that ought to be taught to learners at the early stages of growth and development. Thus, the research adopts the UK early childhood education scene to exemplify the significance of early childhood education in England. So, a flexible framework would be developed to articulate an interactive process, thus exemplifying early childhood education significance in the modern era (New & Cochran, 2017). Then the scene would compose of a group of children placed in ECEC groups to depict the impact once subjected to early childhood learning. The scene would also be set in a manner that indicates individual competences once the children are subjected to cross-sectional studies in the early childhood curriculum.

Moreover, the project scene would be developed in a context that helps relate UK early childhood education in the global context. So, the needs of children globally would be evaluated to conceptualize the best framework for analysis relative to distinct paradigm shifts. Therefore, the scene utilizes alternate paradigm shifts that align with sociocultural issues affecting the education sector in the UK. The research is thus set in a manner that develops distinct perspectives on the urgency of promoting good governance in early childhood learning in England (New & Cochran, 2017).

Underpinning theoretical ideas and practical methods

The research proposes the use of qualitative methods of analysis while collecting and analyzing data on the UK’s early childhood education. As such, the qualitative methods would help outline the variables being measured based on the pre-existing situation in the UK. Also, the qualitative methodological approach ensures mathematical techniques are utilized to manipulate data to achieve the best-perceived results (New & Cochran, 2017). Besides, the use of quantitative research methodologies for the study mandates the research to utilize graphs, tables, and charts to develop a textual element of the education sector in the UK. As a result, the graphs and tables ensure that the textual element of the research elements stand in isolation from the rest, thus supplementing the overall description. Therefore, statistical analysis would be possible to analyze the key findings of the undertaken study.


Qualitative research methods are characterized by a naturalistic inquiry whereby the researchers only rely on findings collected by other people. As such, qualitative methods depend on enquires made by other people in the research field to develop the desirable concept in research (Loop, 2018). Also, qualitative methods develop a holistic perspective to research ideas with every finding subjected to an in-depth analysis. In this case, the qualitative research methodologies are characterized by its aims, which help comprehend some of the social aspects of the early education system in the UK. Therefore, the raw data collected for the research are essential in understanding the policies undertaken by the UK government to achieve the best achievable results for the study.

The characteristics of quantitative research methods include the use of models and hypotheses while collecting primary data. Thus, quantities methods ensure they collect empirical data to be used for the research, thus developing a structured approach towards analysis (Loop, 2018). Besides, the data is normally collected using structured research instruments, with the results being a representative of the large population of early learners in the UK. Thus, the gathered evidence serves to be replicated and repeated when carrying such research in the future. Moreover, the mixed research methods utilize both open and closed data in response to the research questions. As such, they follow a rigorous and persuasive process that integrates data from both quantitative and qualitative research methods (Yoshikawa & Kabay, 2015). So, mixed research methods aim at strengthening the conclusions made in the study.

Literature suggestions

Literature suggests that children between the age of four years and starting compulsory primary education should pass through early childhood education. As such, literature postulates that countries such as the UK should provide incentives in early childhood care to ensure a high number of children attend the fundamental education process (Lloyd, 2015). For instance, quality and accessibility are some of the vital incentives that the government should provide in the early education sector. The incentives serve to increase literacy rates in the UK by empowering the young generation through resource investment. Consequently, the UK policymakers have been mandated to advocate for more investment in ECEC due to its beneficial effects.

Moreover, literature shows that the research should fulfill the provisions provided by ECEC to achieve postulate benefits of early childhood education. Hence, the study stands to highlight the significance of early childhood education in the UK relative to the growing concerns to continuously achieve growth and development. Thus, the research methods must be carried out based on the contributions and reports, as highlighted by international organizations on early childhood development (Lloyd, 2015). Besides, literature shows that the study should utilize perspectives developed by the EU despite the UK having a different education system than the rest. So, non-economic benefits resulting from social inclusion in the research would align with the policy framework developed by the UK. Thus, the UK is a first world country, stands a chance to achieve 100% significance of ECEC.

Selecting data sources

The research proposal selects data from secondary sources with the process preceding the actual data collection. However, the secondary sources’ data selection sources must adhere to set integrity requirements, thus easing the justification process. A larger number of texts would be reviewed; thus, a cluster sampling strategy would be utilized. The applicability of the sampling strategy is dependent on the homogenous nature of the statistical population of early childhood learners in the UK. The total population of the subject group would be divided into smaller cluster groups to analyze the significance of early childhood education in the UK (Yoshikawa & Kabay, 2015). There are no legal costs to be incurred while researching. For instance, the target sampling groups must be provided with incentives to lure them into participating in the research. Also, there are no legal access issues since there is no need to liaise with the early childhood education centers in the UK to be provided access to the learning facilities. As a result, the data sources selection follows a strict process to ensure that the gathered information is clear, thus would not contradict the resulting outcome.

Sort of data gathered

The research would gather information from secondary sources since they have an in-depth analysis of early childhood education in the UK. Besides, the secondary sources have been critically analyzed by competent researchers having vast knowledge in the UK education system. As a result, the research would not be from a personal perspective but evidence-based.

Ethical considerations

The research would utilize informed consent as one of the ethical considerations while undertaking the research. As a result, the obtained data would accurately represent guidelines undertaken by the UK government in developing early childhood education, having a maximum significance. Thus, the target group would be legally represented to avoid infringement of individual rights.

Data safety  

Security procedures, such as copyrights, would be provided to ensure that the data is safely stored. As such, strict measures would be developed to ensure the right procedures are followed while managing and disposing of the data.


Hartai, L., Andóczi, J., Horváth, Z., Jakab, G., Szijártó, I., Wijnen, C., … & Sinko, P. (2014). Report on Formal Media Education in Europe (WP3). EMEDUS: European Media Literacy Education Study [cit. 2017-01-17]. Dostupné na WWW: http://presscafe. EU/assets/img/formal-media-education. pdf. Link:

Information Resources Management Association (Ed.). (2014). STEM Education: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global. Link:,+Methodologies,+Tools,+and+Applications+(3+Volumes)&ots=E4J16SKmwd&sig=523xgAeXp3_oxueQWsJAt1YPZeg

Lloyd, E. (2015). Early childhood education and care policy in England under the Coalition Government. London Review of Education13(2), 144-156. Link:

Loop, E. (2018). Different Types of Methodologies | Synonym. Retrieved 11 April 2020, from

Melhuish, E. (2013). Research on early childhood education in the UK. In Handbuch frühkindliche Bildungsforschung (pp. 211-221). Springer VS, Wiesbaden. Link:

Neuman, M. J., Josephson, K., & Chua, P. G. (2015). A Review of the Literature: Early childhood care and education (ECCE) personnel in low-and middle-income countries. Early Childhood Care and Education Working Papers Series4. Link:

New, R. S., & Cochran, M. (Eds.). (2017). Early childhood education: An international encyclopedia (Vol. 4). Greenwood Publishing Group. Link:,+Methodologies,+Tools,+and+Applications+(3+Volumes)&ots=TQW-jE2ypx&sig=3ZgoPEE6PKYucapOLfrdGKgbxxQ

Vandenbroeck, M., Lenaerts, K., & Beblavý, M. (2018). Europe Europe. Link:

Woodhead, M. (2019). Towards a global paradigm for research into early childhood education. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal7(1), 5-22. Link:

Yoshikawa, H., & Kabay, S. (2015). The evidence base on early childhood care and education in global contexts. Link:

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